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Bromotrimethylsilane: Efficient Synthetic Route for Organic Compounds by Top Manufacturer
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Trimethylbromosilane CAS:2857-97-8 manufacturer

Ningbo Inno Pharmchem Co., Ltd is a leading manufacturer and supplier of high-quality chemical products. One of the products they produce is Bromotrimethylsilane, also known as Trimethylsilyl bromide or Bromo(trimethyl)silane.

Bromotrimethylsilane is a versatile reagent used in organic synthesis for the conversion of alcohols, carboxylic acids, and amines into the corresponding bromides. It is also used for the preparation of alkyl and aryl bromides, as well as for the synthesis of silicon-based compounds.

The chemical formula of Bromotrimethylsilane is C3H9BrSi, and its molecular weight is 151.09 g/mol. It is a colorless liquid with a boiling point of 77-78°C and a density of 1.14 g/mL.

Bromotrimethylsilane is a highly reactive compound that is used as an intermediate in many chemical reactions. It is a potent electrophile that readily reacts with nucleophiles to form covalent bonds. This reactivity makes it an ideal reagent for the preparation of organic compounds.

One of the primary uses of Bromotrimethylsilane is in the synthesis of aryl and alkyl bromides. It is used to convert alcohols and carboxylic acids into the corresponding bromides, which are essential building blocks in the synthesis of many organic compounds. The reaction is carried out by adding Bromotrimethylsilane to the alcohol or carboxylic acid in the presence of a base such as potassium carbonate or sodium hydroxide.

Bromotrimethylsilane is also used in the synthesis of silicon-based compounds. It is used to introduce a silicon atom into organic molecules, which improves their stability and enhances their biological activity. The reaction is carried out by adding Bromotrimethylsilane to the organic molecule in the presence of a Lewis acid such as boron trifluoride etherate.

In addition to its use in organic synthesis, Bromotrimethylsilane is also used as a reagent in analytical chemistry. It is used to derivatize amino acids and peptides for analysis by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). The reaction is carried out by adding Bromotrimethylsilane to the amino acid or peptide in the presence of a base such as pyridine.

Ningbo Inno Pharmchem Co., Ltd is a top manufacturer of Bromotrimethylsilane. They have a state-of-the-art factory equipped with advanced technology and equipment for the production of high-quality chemical products. Their manufacturing process is efficient and cost-effective, ensuring that their products are affordable and accessible to customers worldwide.

Ningbo Inno Pharmchem Co., Ltd produces Bromotrimethylsilane under strict quality control measures to ensure that it meets the highest standards of purity and quality. Their product is free from impurities and contaminants that may affect the performance and efficiency of the reagent.

Ningbo Inno Pharmchem Co., Ltd also provides excellent customer service and technical support to their customers. They have a team of experts who can provide guidance and advice on the use of their products, ensuring that their customers achieve the best results in their research and development projects.

In conclusion, Bromotrimethylsilane is a versatile reagent used in organic synthesis for the preparation of aryl and alkyl bromides and silicon-based compounds. It is a highly reactive compound that is essential in many chemical reactions. Ningbo Inno Pharmchem Co., Ltd is a top manufacturer of Bromotrimethylsilane, providing high-quality products and excellent customer service. Their product is affordable and accessible to customers worldwide, making them the best choice for customers in need of high-quality chemical products.
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