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Methyl Tributanoxyime Silane: A Promising Chemical from Top Manufacturer
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Methyltris(butanone oximino)silane CAS:22984-54-9 manufacturer

Methyl Tributanoxyime Silane, also known as Methyl Tributyl Ketoximinosilane, O,O,O-Tributanketoximinomethylsilane, Methyltris(2-butyleneaminooxy)silane, Methyltris(methylethylketoxime)silane, Tris[(2-butylene)iminooxy]methylsilane, and Tris[butanoneoxime-(O)yl]methylsilane, is a versatile chemical compound that has various applications in the manufacturing industry. It is a colorless and transparent liquid with a boiling point of 240°C and a density of 0.9 g/cm³.

Methyl Tributanoxyime Silane is produced by Ningbo Inno Pharmchem Co., Ltd., a top manufacturer of specialty chemicals. The company has a state-of-the-art factory equipped with the latest technology and machinery to ensure that their products meet the highest standards of quality. The company has established a reputation for producing high-quality chemicals that are used in various industries, including pharmaceuticals, agriculture, and electronics.

Methyl Tributanoxyime Silane has several applications in various industries. It is commonly used as a crosslinker in the manufacturing of silicone rubber, which is used in various applications, including automotive, construction, and aerospace. It is also used as a coupling agent in the manufacturing of adhesives and sealants, which are used in various applications, including construction and automotive.

Moreover, Methyl Tributanoxyime Silane is used as a surface modifier in the manufacturing of plastics, which improves their adhesion to other materials. It is also used as a corrosion inhibitor in the manufacturing of coatings, which protects various surfaces from corrosion. Additionally, it is used as a catalyst in various chemical reactions.

One of the advantages of using Methyl Tributanoxyime Silane is its compatibility with various solvents and resins, which makes it a versatile chemical compound. It also has excellent adhesion to various surfaces, which makes it an ideal coupling agent and surface modifier. Moreover, it has excellent thermal stability, which makes it suitable for use in high-temperature applications.

There are several grades of Methyl Tributanoxyime Silane available in the market, including DOWSIL Z-9075, Honeywell OS1000, and Hanse OX10. Each grade has its specific properties and applications, and it is essential to choose the right grade for the intended application. DOWSIL Z-9075, for example, is a high-purity grade that is used in the manufacturing of electronic components, while Honeywell OS1000 is a general-purpose grade that is used in various applications.

In conclusion, Methyl Tributanoxyime Silane is a promising chemical compound that has various applications in the manufacturing industry. It is produced by Ningbo Inno Pharmchem Co., Ltd., a top manufacturer of specialty chemicals. The company has established a reputation for producing high-quality chemicals that meet the highest standards of quality. Methyl Tributanoxyime Silane is a versatile chemical compound that has excellent adhesion, thermal stability, and compatibility with various solvents and resins. It is used as a crosslinker, coupling agent, surface modifier, corrosion inhibitor, and catalyst in various industries, including automotive, construction, and electronics. Therefore, it is an essential chemical compound that should be considered when selecting chemicals for manufacturing applications.
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